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13th March 2025 
Perruches opal b

Perruches bowl c.1931 D-24,5cm
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Canard opal ashtray R

Canard ashtray c.1925 H-7.5cm
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PAGE 5. Canardashtray1

Canard ashtray c.1925 H-7.5cm
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Muguets dish 1

Muguets dish c.1931 D-33cm

PAGE 5. Moineauopalashtrayb

Moineau ashtray c.1925 H-7cm
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PAGE 5. Moineauashtray1

Moineau ashtray c.1925 H-7cm
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Lys bowl s

Lys bowl c.1924 D-23.5cm

Dindon opal ashtray R

Dindon ashtray c.1925 H-6cm
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PAGE 5. Dindonashtray1

Dindon ashtray c.1925 H-6cm
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Calypso bowl s

Calypso bowl c.1932 D-30cm

Varese ashtray 1

Varese ashtray c.1929 W-9cm 
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Dauphins dish s

Dauphins coupe plat c.1932 D-28.5cm

Trois Papillon inkwell 1

Trois Papillon inkwell.1912 H-5.5cm
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Mont-Dore s

Mont-Dore bowl c.1928 D-22cm

PAGE 5. Fauneashtrayb1

Faune ashtray c.1931 H-9cm
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Naiade clock b

Naiades clock c.1926 H-11cm

St Christopher front

St Christopher mascot c.1928 H-13cm
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Medicis opal b

Medicis ashtray c.1924 L-14.5cm

Inseparables opal 1

Inseparables clock c.1926 H-11cm

Antheor ashtray b

Antheor ashtray c.1927 D-14cm

Daim paperweight blue s

Daim paperweight c.1929 L-8.5cm
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Dahlias bowl b

Dahlias bowl c.1921 H-23.5cm

Daim paperweight Sienna 1

Daim paperweight c.1929 L-8.5cm
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Coquilles s

Coquilles bowl N4 c.1924 H-13cm

Deux Aigle paperwei

Deux Aigles paperweight c.1914 H-8cm
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Primeveres box b

Primeveres box c.1927 H-16cm
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Tete D'Aigle 2

Tete D’Aigle seal c.1911 H-8cm
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If you are looking to buy R Lalique glass and are visiting London, just make an appointment.